willj.dev / millennial-utopia / The Millennial Social Code

Section 1 - Rights for the Third Millenniumlink

These rights belong equally to every person in any high-technology human society. It is the duty of all persons to extend the status and rights of personhood to the largest possible number of individuals.

Article 1 - Self Determinationlink

Each person has the right to complete personal agency, to the extent that their actions do not maliciously or negligently harm the rights of any other person.

The range of activities covered by the right to self-determination could never be exhaustive, but historically relevant examples include:

  • Speech, writing, and other forms of self-expression
  • Pursuit of knowledge or spirituality
  • Movement and travel
  • Association with, or disassociation from, any number of societies of any size
  • Gathering peacefully, including friendly competition
  • Fair compensation for employment
  • Fair trade in goods, services, or financial resources in an open market

Article 2 - Physical Safetylink

No person should suffer physical harm which is within any person’s power to prevent, including:

  • injury or death due to another person’s malice or negligence;
  • lack of access to competent health care;
  • lack of access to adequate nutrition; or
  • loss of a sustainable environment.

Article 3 - Emotional Safetylink

No person should suffer psychological harm which is within any person’s power to prevent, including:

  • justified fear of violation of personal rights due to another person’s malice or negligence
  • mistaken awareness of objective reality due to malicious deception or negligent purveyance of misinformation; or
  • distress due to another person’s aggressive or threatening behavior.

Article 4 - Personal Livelihoodlink

Each person should have equal access to:

  • private long- or short-term residence which is reliable, sanitary, and safe;
  • basic utilities; and
  • genuine consideration for any employment they could reasonably perform.

Article 5 - Personal Privacylink

No person should be subject to violation of personal privacy without their informed consent or a legal warrant. This includes:

  • search or seizure of any individual or their personal effects;
  • search or seizure of data or physical objects in any residence; or
  • any use of personally identifiable information outside that person’s direct control.

Article 6 - Participation in Governmentlink

Each person should have an equal opportunity to:

  • vote for constitutional amendments in any government they are a citizen of;
  • vote for government officers who represent a fair proportion of the total citizenship;
  • run for elected office; and
  • participate in a jury.

Article 7 - Governmental Abuselink

No person should be subject to governmental abuse of the law, including the failure to uphold due process equally for all persons.

Section 2 - Human Personhoodlink

All individuals of the human species are automatically persons, regardless of national origin, ancestry, race, religion, sexual characteristics, or any other individual or group distinction, so long as they are capable of demonstrating any level of personal agency. In general, all humans should be assumed to have complete personal agency; however, in specific cases where that is impossible or impractical, it may be limited:

  • A human embryo or fetus being carried in its mother’s womb is not capable of demonstrating personal agency, and the authority to make decisions regarding the pregnancy falls under the mother’s right of self-determination.
    • The availability of competent professionals to provide reproductive care, including contraception and termination of pregnancy, falls under the mother’s right to health care.
  • Children may have their personal agency limited by their guardian, to the extent that it provides for that child’s personal development and does not result in physical or emotional harm to that child or any other person.
    • Children are required to live with at least one adult guardian. Whenever this is proven, by due legal process, to cause unreasonable physical or emotional harm to any person, the government is responsible for arranging for new and suitable guardianship.
    • The government may require children to attend school to ensure that they develop into well-informed and competent adults. Children who have not yet finished school may be prevented from voting or running for elected office.
  • A human who is disabled to the extent that it limits their ability to consistently demonstrate personal agency may be assigned an individual care program managed by the government and any available family members who can serve as guardians. This care must always maintain the highest practicable level of personal agency for each person.